
Consider yourself and your possibilities as the inside of the circle. What is body spirit? Bodyspirit tells us something about the wisdom of our body. We do not yet realize that our body contains an enormous wealth of information. A doctor can sometimes physically feel the body where and what...

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What does a Centering Practitioner do?

"On the circumference of a circle, beginning and end coincide."Heraclitus, Greek philosopher 540 BC - 480 BC Who is a Centering Practitioner? A centering® practitioner (CP) is a supervisor or coach who supports you with all kinds of physical and emotional complaints, themes, or repetitive, recurring patterns. He works with...


What is Centering®?

What your body tells you "Centering® is about the journey of discovery in our bodies, our relationships, our lives and our souls. Centering® is about learning to discover who we are, how we function in relation to others and what we come here to do." Kurt Pattyn It sometimes happens...