Living from the heart 'For me, there is only traveling along roads with the Heart along every road that has a Heart. And the only challenge worth taking is to travel him over his entire length. And there I travel, looking, watching breathlessly...' From the lessons of Don Juan by...
Lecture Heartfulness: living from the heart
Living from the Heart It rolls smoothly out of the mouth: 'Living from the Heart'... It sounds beautiful and human. Living from your heart means first and foremost (!) that you can look at yourself, at the others and the environment around you with love, gentleness and compassion. You can...
Consider yourself and your possibilities as the inside of the circle. What is body spirit? Bodyspirit tells us something about the wisdom of our body. We do not yet realize that our body contains an enormous wealth of information. A doctor can sometimes physically feel the body where and what...
What does a Centering Practitioner do?
"On the circumference of a circle, beginning and end coincide."Heraclitus, Greek philosopher 540 BC - 480 BC Who is a Centering Practitioner? A centering® practitioner (CP) is a supervisor or coach who supports you with all kinds of physical and emotional complaints, themes, or repetitive, recurring patterns. He works with...
Introduction to Heartfulness
Living from the Heart 'Living from the Heart'... Sounds beautiful and human. Who doesn't do this, anyway? No one will even say "I don't live from my Heart"... Nevertheless? And yet there are actually very few people who Live from their Heart energy. Very little, allow me to say that...
What is Centering®?
What your body tells you "Centering® is about the journey of discovery in our bodies, our relationships, our lives and our souls. Centering® is about learning to discover who we are, how we function in relation to others and what we come here to do." Kurt Pattyn It sometimes happens...
Archetypes The Lord of the Rings
What are archetypes? We had talked about archetypes in the blog "The Tarot cards - about archetypes and the personal growth process". The term 'archetype' comes from Ancient Greek. from the words 'arche', meaning 'original or ancient'; and 'type', meaning 'pattern, model, or type'. The combined meaning is an "original...
The Tarot cards – about archetypes and the personal growth process
My first serious, far-reaching contact with Tarot was during my training in Transpersonal Psychology in 2002. One of the counsellors psychologists, who is also co-founder of the Transpersonal Psychotherapy training school, the late Raymond Stevens, also worked with Tarot cards. How he used it as a therapeutic tool during our...