My first serious, far-reaching contact with Tarot was during my training in Transpersonal Psychology in 2002. One of the counsellors psychologists, who is also co-founder of the Transpersonal Psychotherapy training school, the late Raymond Stevens, also worked with Tarot cards. How he used it as a therapeutic tool during our...
Tantra massage
What is tantra? Dear reader, if you have ended up on this page, it is probably because tantra triggers you somewhere or makes you curious or because you are looking for beautiful experiences. However, before going any further, I would like to clarify what tantra is really about. What is...
Thinking errors
As we are not always aware of our automatic thoughts, let alone the truth of each automatic thought, we list below some of the most common thinking errors. What are the most common thinking mistakes?
Chocolate (sometimes also called: chocolate) is a delicacy made from cocoa powder, cocoa butter and sugar. The main component of chocolate is cocoa which comes from the cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao). The cocoa tree is on average 5 m high and flowers twice a year. Not all flowers become a...
Remote astral energy healing
How it grew in my development process? That our bodies are fixed and armoured was already known to me from the character structures. Each character has its own mechanisms to process emotions and survival methods to channel sexual life energy, by holding on, holding back, holding up,... Thus, getting to...