WEEKDAGEN: 10:00 – 20:00

ZATERDAG: 10:00 – 19:00

ZONDAG: 10:00 – 18:00

Volg altijd je eigen pad. Het volgen van het pad van een ander zal je hart nooit echte voldoening geven. (David Viscott)

Introduction to Heartfulness


Living from the Heart

‘Living from the Heart’… Sounds beautiful and human.

Who doesn’t do this, anyway? No one will even say “I don’t live from my Heart”… Nevertheless?

And yet there are actually very few people who Live from their Heart energy.

Very little, allow me to say that on average per country around the world there is 1 person who has developed his Heart in such a way that he is a Compassionate and Loving living person. And if you know that there are 235 countries…

Opening the Heart and letting it shine can be done through different ways of entrance.

Physically, emotionally, energetically and mentally (the Wisdom of the Heart) we can learn to open our Heart.

This can be practiced individually, in relation to the other (Tantra), to Nature and in Connection with the Universe.

Heartfulness has been developed from the vision and philosophy of Centering®. A holistic way of looking at the world and ourselves, inspired by the wisdom of the medicine wheel or wheel of life.

Man Heart

man shows his emotions

Living from the Heart is not so obvious for most men, because men’s biggest hurt lies in the Heart area. Because of childhood hurts, especially at the Heart level, it is very difficult for the man to open up openly and vulnerably and to let himself be guided by his Heart. In addition, it is not so easy to be a ‘man’ in today’s society. Men often think that what they achieve or own makes them attractive.

From a Jungian perspective, every man possesses an anima, an inner feminine side. This soft-feminine energy has been suppressed in many men. Even sensitive men today feel ‘lost’ and suffer from shame, self-doubt, fear and intimate poverty.

That’s why it’s important for men to get into their own bodies and feel that they are loved for who they ‘Are’, and not for what they ‘can’ do or have achieved in terms of status.

For many men, there is also a taboo and shame to talk about feelings, intimacy and sexuality, let alone about their ‘hidden’ male suffering. There is little connection with the feeling and/or the Heart. The head is active, but not yet fully connected to the heart and pelvis.

Letting this (soft-feminine) Harts energy flow again, in combination with a firmly anchored and healthy pelvic floor, brings them to self-aware, loving, powerful, Heart-loving men, who can carry themselves at all times!

Woman's Heart

the heart of the woman

As a woman, are you also attracted to discover and unfold your Pure Heart, beyond emotional pains and memories? Have the emotional wounds healed yet? The wounds of the heart are psychological wounds that remain with us in our relationships with others until they are healed. It is in our closest relationships that we are triggered by our unresolved wounds. And it is in our most intimate relationships that the same stimulus resurfaces again and again to heal. The truth is that we cannot rise above the raw and messy side of our humanity without fully facing it and making peace with it.

What is important is the way to live with our wounds instead of thinking about them. Wrestling with our feelings and emotions by applying logic and reason won’t help. The challenge is that from the moment we notice the trigger, and before the emotions become overwhelming, we only have a few seconds to step into the heart. It is the mind that is triggered, not the heart. The truth is that the heart knows only love.

Trying to get past the wounds of our heart by pushing them aside creates a definitive split in our conscious and subconscious brains. We are constantly in conflict with ourselves because the two minds are not compatible. We create a mindset that constantly fluctuates up and down like a seesaw, one thought or feeling being elevated at the expense of another. Wounds are not healed in this way and there is an inner dissatisfaction and unhappiness, while the hurt continues to haunt your life.

For men and women

With the heartfulness trainings that consist of different modules, you will be helped to return to the most Pure and Pure version of Yourself. You learn to make a connection between Head and Heart and Pelvis again.

Through body-oriented work, meditation, dance, movement, breathing exercises, dynamic meditations, you are helped to recognize and release your emotions and blockages, and you rediscover who you are in Being.

You will be introduced to meditation techniques from East and West, different religious traditions and scientific research. It is a combination of spirituality and contemporary science.

This introduction day is suitable for both men and women. No prior knowledge is required and it is not a support group. It is mainly experiences gained during the exercises that are central and discussed.

Introduction day Heartfulness

Have I been able to warm your heart?

Then this introductory day is a first step for you to taste, feel, resonate in the head, feeling, pelvis and heart. On this day you will gain knowledge about the physical, the emotional, the energetic and the mental Heart, in connection with your Pelvis. The “wheel of life” from which Heartfulness works.

We are going on the road together, and we are shaping this day together. I would like to inspire you, in an innovative, playful and at the same time in-depth way.

Practical info


House of the Heart, Ragestraat 38 in 9620 Zottegem

€ 235 /full day (incl. dinner) private
€ 285 /full day (incl. dinner) company invoice

Accompaniment: Dirk Vieren

Registration and info:

Registration form
Info: Nadine Dernacourt

Be quick because places are limited!


09.30: Arrive, welcome with coffee and tea
10.00: Meditation in motion – meditation in silence
11.00: Partial round, how am I doing, what do I expect…
12.00: Visualization exercise introduction to breath
13.00: Afternoon break
14.00: Moving to music
14.15: Heartfulness on the wheel
17.00: Ceremony the 4 winds
17.30: Evaluation and conclusion
18.00: Back home

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