WEEKDAGEN: 10:00 – 20:00

ZATERDAG: 10:00 – 19:00

ZONDAG: 10:00 – 18:00

Volg altijd je eigen pad. Het volgen van het pad van een ander zal je hart nooit echte voldoening geven. (David Viscott)

What does a Centering Practitioner do?

craniosacral therapy

On the circumference of a circle, beginning and end coincide.”

Heraclitus, Greek philosopher 540 BC 480 BC

Who is a Centering Practitioner?

A centering® practitioner (CP) is a supervisor or coach who supports you with all kinds of physical and emotional complaints, themes, or repetitive, recurring patterns.

He works with the dynamic model of Centering®. By working with the totality of being human, namely the physical – mental – emotional and energetic body, connections are made, the influence of emotions and thoughts on the body is examined and through coaching and/or attention work on the body, changes can take place in your entire way of life.

For example, our mental thoughts can take over. Disapproving voices and judgments, thought patterns, images about ourselves, negative thoughts, worrying, the inner critic,… translate as tensions in our body, in our mind and in our emotions. These tensions cut us off from our own inner depths. We can perceive these defense mechanisms by listening to their language and using them in a skillful way to access your essence.

Or emotional patterns that are latent such as fear, sadness, anger,… ensure that we do not live fully but from a one-sided cocoon. The essence of who we are goes beyond our intense feelings that flow through our bodies like waves throughout the day. The separation between the contact with our body and our essence stands in the way of our own process of deepening. We unconsciously build up an armor in muscles, organs, fascias,… and these are part of the one-sided cocoon of our personality.

With a centering® practitioner you learn to follow the process from the physical body and to anchor it firmly. The emphasis is on working with the felt experience, the subtle physical sensations.

Your question is listened to and you are supported, taken care of and guided in a growth process to look at all kinds of complaints from a different context and to work with them. So no diagnoses are made, but with your question we look at what we can do to give your life more guidance and insight.

What can a Centering Practitioner do for you?

What we experience in our lives is mainly stored in the body as tensions and this is therefore very tangible. A centering® practitioner then uses the physical body as a gateway to get in touch with what you are dealing with now.

He can also make you feel more in touch with conscious and not yet conscious talents and qualities.

Through gentle touch, it is felt which problem is specifically present and where in the body, and then it acts on the mobility of those tissues such as the organs, bones, muscles, fascias, glands, nervous system, fluids in your body,… The body is opened in a gentle way so that tensions are released. You experience relaxation and space is freed up to reconnect with yourself, your dreams and desires. And so you can experience more balance with the others and your environment.

You will also be offered techniques, tools and exercises that help you take steps in your daily life so that growth and change can take place.

The sessions in my practice are conducted in a safe, gentle and nourishing way, at your rhythm and last an hour on average, in which listening, support, coaching, respect and trust for your own process are central. For rates and general terms and conditions, the data applies as for a therapeutic conversation.

What questions can you ask a CP?

  • why certain recurring pains or physical complaints such as digestive problems, headaches, stuck muscles,… Coming back again and again
  • why certain emotions and the associated thoughts keep repeating over and over again
  • why you keep getting stuck in certain situations or certain themes in your life
  • which areas in your body are tense and what you can do about it
  • what qualities, talents and strengths you carry within yourself.
  • You can go for fatigue if you dont know why you are so tired or if you lose your energy quickly
  • Why you keep meeting the wrong partners
  • when you dont find the ideal job or dont find your direction in life as a student
  • You have certain emotions such as fear, stress, sadness or depression, anger,…
  • You can go to me with stress, burnout, lack of selfconfidence, meaninglessness,…
centering practitioner


Suppose a client comes to me with the following question: “I had been applying for a job for a while and finally chose a job to work in a clothing store. But I don’t know if this job is actually something for me?”

A job is a very important thing because in the end you do this for a large part of your life. It’s best not to take that lightly. For several reasons: does it make you happy? Can you express your qualities there? Is the atmosphere with colleagues pleasant? Can you live off it financially?…

There are many reasons you can look for to start a job. As a centering practitioner, for example, I look at the client’s gifts and qualities, what the essence of his existence is, what purpose he has here in this life… This can be done in various ways, such as through coaching, with a conversation. Or by feeling the body which organ type this person is. After all, each organ represents a certain way of life, say character traits, possibilities, qualities and weaknesses. If you know this from yourself, it can be a nice help to make the right decisions for yourself in terms of work, relationships, hobbies,…

In this way I will invite the client to lie down on the table for a while and feel which of the organs is dominant.
The following scenarios are then possible:

Does it turn out that the person is a kidney type?

Relationships are essential for a kidney type! Kidney types are often agile, social and creative and must also be able to experience this in their job. If such a type can come into contact with new people and has enough challenge to assist and help people in their choices, then I think such a person can feel happy in such a job. If that person can work together with nice colleagues, this will certainly provide nourishment. They should at least have the feeling of a 1 on 1 relationship with someone in the same job. The emphasis in his work in a store will be on making customers happy when he enters his business. He wants to help them look good! During his job, he can then share his feelings with colleagues and customers, talk, feel a bit of connection when it clicks with a customer,… He must be able to express change and creativity.
However, is his job to store one of the new collections in the computer, to label the garments, to put the accounts in order,… then this job will not give him satisfaction. Doing something all alone is too lonely for him. Managing a store, turning it into a big company, coordinating different branches will not be for him.
And because an emotion is linked to every organ, here in a kidney type the fear, he can start to doubt whether to do that new job out of a fear of, for example, having to leave his previous job where he has built up good contacts. Leaving friends can mean separation for him.

kidney type help choose clothes for customer liver type, heart type, colon type, stomach type
Is this person a liver type

A liver type is often someone who likes to take the lead and take responsibility. If that person starts a business himself, he seems like a good choice to me because those people want to be their own boss. If that person has to work under someone, that person will not be able to live his/her talents enough and will become frustrated… Liver types can run several stores at the same time… Managing a store, turning it into a large company, coordinating several branches… This way he can have a lot of meetings, work with groups and that will increase his self-confidence.

Or a heart type

A heart type could also run a clothing business. Heart types are types that can delegate a company without being dominant. They know how to handle people to get everything done. Important to him is how he can deal with performance pressure. If he doesn’t live under too much pressure, such a job will bring him satisfaction. The matter is to live in harmony and balance. It is essential for a heart type that what he does has something to do with his soul values, desires, dreams. For example; such a person can create garments himself and thus put his soul into what he makes. And designing your own brand name… If they do those things that are connected to their heart, then there is no turmoil at soul level.

And a lung type?

For a lung type, this job seems to me to be too little freedom and connection on other levels. A lung type needs space for itself and I think this would be too oppressive for such a person… Such a type wants to spend more time with nature, meditation, soul-centered. If one can be very creative in the store and expand connections with other stores, for example, this can provide nourishment. Lung types could open a store, e.g. clothing that is made organically, where they can work together with other countries to feel more connected. Selling in an idealistic way can certainly work for such types…

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